How To Tape Your Boobs?

How To Tape Your Boobs? Look Gorgeous In Open-Back, And Empty-Shouldered Dresses at Party

Boobs are wrapped in lots of surgical tape. Sometimes your breasts offend you, but you can not know how to manage your bust. So the boob tape is a sticky strip of fabric specially designed to keep breasts in a fixed position. The tape was pushed together for more pronounced cleavage, slightly lifted and without…

B cup bra

B Cup Bra Gives You a Beautiful Look With Comfort and Style

Every woman is self-conscious about her bra size, while a B cup bra is more conscious because it is from the smallest cup size. However, some consider B cup size too small to attract; sometimes, others embrace their proportional size. You can wear strapless dresses without the hesitation of more prominent curves. One thing more,…