The 11 Best Pintail Longboards Good For Who Love Carving And Cruising

The 11 Best Pintail Longboards To Commute Around The Stree

The Best Pintail longboards are a refined type of longboard, becoming famous in the last few years. As its name implies, this type of board is designed in a pintail shape. Further, the wheels of the longboard pintail from coming in contact with the board. These boards also have a top-mounted truck which keeps the…


Is Fingerboarding A Sport? | Popular Micro-Sports

Is Fingerboarding A Sport? Yes! Fingerboarding is the most popular micro-sports among people of different ages. It demands a high level of talent and offers medals and awards to the winners. The other types of sports, including Skateboarding, can result in serious injuries, whereas fingerboarding is a completely risk-free game. Every year 25,000 skateboarders need…

portable skateboard ramps

5 Best Portable Skateboard Ramps Reviewed

Portable skateboard ramps are the perfect accessories for improving your skateboard’s or pintail longboards skills, especially for a beginner. They make you master the fundamentals; ramps often look fun but intimidating. Portable Skateboard Ramps are a fantastic way to get that fix and hit your flow state. If you are a seasoned skateboarder or trying…

skateboarding benefits on body, brain, and social life

Amazing skateboarding benefits On body, brain & social life

When people think of Skateboarding or longboarding, they think just as fun on the street. We will tell you something about Skateboarding benefits that you may have missed. Skateboarding has been around for a long time and is still maintained today. That’s because Skateboarding is not only fun, but it also has very healthy Sakeboading…

Skateboard vs Longboard vs Penny board And Skaters Love To Debate It.

Skateboard vs Longboard vs Penny board And Skaters Love To Debate

When we want fun in skating, then many types of boards come to our mind. So, in this article, we will give you the comparison of Skateboard vs. Longboard vs. Penny, board And Skaters Love To Debate It. So you can choose the best one for you according to your needs. We also differentiate size,…